best wrestling year

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  • primetime
    • Sep 2024
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    best wrestling year

    i would say 1996 was the best year . i really liked 97 98 as well
  • WheyXtend
    Junior Member
    • Sep 2024
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    • RustledJimmies
      Alpha Pupper
      • Sep 2024
      • 456

      Couldn't pick out a specific year but the Attitude Era was the GOAT. Stone Cold and The Rock rivalry was hnnng.


      • admin
        • Sep 2024
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        Originally posted by WheyXtend
        Attitude era FTW

        Close second has to be the late 80s to early 90s.

        Wrestlemania 4-9 were amazing.
        ForumSentinel 2.0


        • GrimShady
          • Sep 2024
          • 29

          For a singular year, and encompassing all three of the big companies, I will say 1998.

          WWF: Austin finally became THE man, feud with Mr. McMahon, coolest rendition of Undertaker, Triple H-led DX, The Rock becomes a superstar, Foley thrown off the cell, mainstream appeal with Mike Tyson involved at WrestleMania.

          WCW: Still riding high after a hot '97, Goldberg streak, nWo Wolfpac, DDP becomes a main eventer, mainstream appeal with Jay Leno, Karl Malone and Dennis Rodman in matches, and 98 WCW might have the best roster ever assembled.

          I don't remember exactly what happened in ECW that year but I know it was one of the better ones. WWF was probably better overall in 1999 and WCW was better overall in 1997 but flipping the channels back and forth in 1998 will never be beaten.


          • SmithMachineGuy
            Registered User
            • Sep 2024
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            1988 The Mega Powers Arc
            2020 I know lots of people don't like it, but during the lockdown era WWE really gave me something to look forward to every week. MiTB 2020 is probably the most fun I ever had watching a Premium Event. Also started the 2 nights of Wrestlemania.


            • HGHgutpump
              Registered User
              • Sep 2024
              • 344

              Being a kid then, I remember in '98 wrestling has HUGE. Literally every kid had either a Stone Cold or Rock shirt on at school. I don't really see kids rocking wrestling gear out in the wild these days.


              • admin
                • Sep 2024
                • 533
                • 5'8"
                • 160lbs

                Originally posted by HGHgutpump
                Being a kid then, I remember in '98 wrestling has HUGE. Literally every kid had either a Stone Cold or Rock shirt on at school. I don't really see kids rocking wrestling gear out in the wild these days.
                It's changed a lot. Used to be a pop culture phenomonon. Now it's more of a niche that only a small part of the population likes.

                Wrestling used to be testosterone fueled soap opera. Today it's more of just a soap opera.

                Boys also looked up to men back when wrestling was popular. Now the "men" boys look up to are basically women.

                In the end, I think it was the feminization of men and reduction in roids that killed wrestling. It just sucks today.
                ForumSentinel 2.0


                • WHChampion
                  Registered User
                  • Oct 2024
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                  Every year in the mid to late 90s. Two promotions with awesome rosters and full of championships and storylines worth following. There was simply too much good wrestling it was hard to keep up.


                  • robreynolds1234
                    Registered User
                    • Oct 2024
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                    It's 2004 for me....

                    HBK, HHH, Jericho, Orton, Batista, Cena, Taker, Angle, Edge, Christian, Benoit, Eddie Guerrero, Flair, even Eugene was fun to watch...I really like Evolution stable....TNA was also fun...


                    • SlothStatue
                      Registered User
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                      • wings
                        Junior Member
                        • Oct 2024
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                        1998 for me. Austin ascends to megastar status and feuds with McMahon. The Attitude was firing on cylinders at that point.


                        • Jimbob008
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                          1992-AJPW, NJPW & AJW were all phenonemal. Great in-ring year for WCW. Flair, Savage & Bret on top in WWF. Memphis was red hot with the Moondogs vs Lawler/Jarrett etc feud. SMW kicked off. All the WWF scandals.
                          Last edited by Jimbob008; 10-14-2024, 03:54 AM.


                          • mr_luck07
                            Junior Member
                            • Oct 2024
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                            • Los Angeles, CA

                            Hard to pick a single year but I'm partial to the mid-80s to the mid-90s.
                            Willie Gilzenberg

